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Vein Eye Carry
There are 40M vein punctures everyday worldwide, and approximately 25% fail to find and puncture a vein on the 1st attempt. The failure rate of vein punctures ranges from 10% to 40% with critically ill patients, where time is of the essence and vein punctures are challenging. The Vein-Eye Carry provides FHD (full high definition) video of veins in all patients, even the most difficult. The video clearly shows the depth of the veins and the exact size and direction of the veins. The Vein-Eye Carry weighs five (5) lbs. and is designed for use anywhere a vein has to be punctured. This includes home infusion therapy, the ambulance, the medical evacuation vehicle, and the blood testing laboratory. Detecting the infiltration and extravasation of medicine, into surrounding tissue, is an advantage of the Vein-Eye Carry.

Units per case
The Vein-Eye® Carry provides FHD (full high-definition) images of subdermal veins, allowing the healthcare worker to see the depth of the vein and its exact location.