We pride in bringing innovative products which can improve and help in better diagnostics and healthcare.

Combining the ideation of the customer with the deep understanding of the healthcare Industry to achieve a targeted outcome.

Scientific and Professional approach to pre and post sales services.

Providing customized client specific solutions by optimizing the client’s resources with available options to achieve the desired outcome.

Medley Healthcare
Medley Healthcare specializes in providing unique healthcare solutions. We are the innovators in technology services and partner with renowned companies which provide niche products and services, all under the umbrella of Medley. The core competency lies in diagnostics and revolutionizing the medical treatment structure.
Why Choose Us?
By applying effective and comprehensive technologies to medical testing, we assure to pave way for the next best thing in diagnostic pathology. Our strength involves a complete understanding and mapping of the customers’ requirements and offer customized solutions through superior futuristic technologies.

Work With Us?
If you are diligent, eager to learn and sincere in your approach towards work, then Medley is the right platform. We are looking for work enthusiasts who are willing to put in their best foot forward.
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Our Clients


12 / 01 / 2021
Performance Certificate
This is to certify that we have been using the Vernacare Vorex/Vortex Plus Macerator and the Vernacare disposable pulp range in our Hospial which was suggested and supplied by MEDLEY HEALTHCARE. The Vernacare single-use system is excelent as it is easy to use and not only reusin time and cost savings but also improves the experience for both patients and staff alike. Overall Very happy with the services of Medley Healthcare.
Dr. Karan Thakur

Medley healthcare had supplied and installed VERNACARE Vortex Plus Macerator (Qty two Machines) On 01/06/2021, against above mentioned supply order at our hospital. These are working satisfactorilytilldate. We are satisfied with performance of the macerators along with service backup of the company.

25 / 05 / 2021
Performance Certificate
This is to certify that we are using the Vermnacare Vortex Plus Macerator and the Vermacare disposable pulp range in our Hospital. The Veracare single-use system is excellent as it is easy to use and not only results in time and cost savings but also improves the experience for both patints and staf alike.